Sökresultat för Rhuddem Gwelin... Rensa filter?

av:Rhuddem Gwelin

Kategorier: Fantasy Historisk fantasy Skönlitteratur
‘Tantum religio potuit suadere malrum!‘ Only religion can lead to such evil. Such is Merlin’s anguished cry as he witnesses the destruction of Jerusalem. The year is 1099.As Merlin’s past life interweaves with this one and people from that life mix with new ones, his mission emerges: to accompany Wilda to the Holy Land…
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Isbn: 9789188713360


Utgivare: Vulkan

Mediatyp: BC

av:Rhuddem Gwelin

Kategorier: Fantasy Historisk fantasy Skönlitteratur
”Why Elizabeth? Was hers an age of glory or was it tarnished gold? Why this life?” An England in turmoil. Religious conflicts, wars, poverty. A world turned upside down. An England in splendour. An England of hope. Shakespeare’s England. Merlin’s mission in this third life is to protect Queen Elizabeth I.…
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Isbn: 9789188915115


Utgivare: Vulkan

Mediatyp: BC

av:Rhuddem Gwelin

Kategorier: Fantasy Historisk fantasy Skönlitteratur
I 500-talets Britannien utkämpar den nya religionens kristna ett krig mot druiderna, mot naturens folk och mot själva magin. Magiker förföljs och straffas skoningslöst. I dessa våldsamma och farliga tider föds fyra barn – Myrddin, Morrie, Arthur och Gwen. Deras öden är att föras samman, bara för att slitas isär…
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Isbn: 9789178191819


Utgivare: Ymperia

Mediatyp: BC

av:Rhuddem Gwelin

Kategorier: Fantasy Historisk fantasy Skönlitteratur
The world is recovering slowly, the society is fragile. Merlin is once again needed. The year is 337ADD. More than three hundred years since the Double Disaster. Five hundred years since Cheesyfee. Two thousand years since Caem Lw, King Arthur, Queen Guinevere, Morgan le Fey. Now the four of them are destined to meet…
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Isbn: 9789189231771


Utgivare: Vulkan

Mediatyp: BC

av:Rhuddem Gwelin

Kategorier: Fantasy Historisk fantasy Skönlitteratur
”Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum!” Endast religion kan leda till sådan ondska Så lyder Merlins förtvivlade utrop efter att ha bevittnat förstörelsen av Jerusalem. Året är 1099. Medan Merlins förflutna vävs samman med en annan tid, där människor från hans tidigare liv blandas med nya, träder också ett nytt uppdrag…
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Isbn: 9789180204439


Utgivare: Ymperia

Mediatyp: BC

av:Rhuddem Gwelin

Kategorier: Fantasy Historisk fantasy Skönlitteratur
We are killing our planet. But there is still hope. Branwen Lewis, the greatest scientist of our time, researching the technology to save the environment, her enemies at her heels. Gwydion Coleman, a man with powers our time does not accept, and a past we don‘t believe in. We know him as Merlin. Her mission is to…
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Isbn: 9789163788550


Utgivare: Vulkan

Mediatyp: BC

av:Rhuddem Gwelin

Kategorier: Fantasy Historisk fantasy Skönlitteratur
Is magic dying? In sixth century Britain the new religion Christianity wages war against the Druids and other people of nature, against magic  itself. The persecution of sorcerers is ferocious. Into these violent and dangerous times four children are born – Myrddin, Morrie, Arthur, Gwen. Their destiny is to come…
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Isbn: 9789163906558


Utgivare: Vulkan

Mediatyp: BC